
脓毒症急性肾损伤的评价方法及临床意义 被引量:7

The evaluation methods and clinical applicability of septic acute kidney injury
摘要 急性肾损伤( acute kidney injury , AKI)是危重症患者常见并发症,它的发病因素很多,其中脓毒症是其重要病因,其发病率及病死率高。重视和加强脓毒症急性肾损伤( septic acute kidney injury , SAKI)的早期诊断、积极防治、逆转其发生和发展对改善预后具有重要意义。因此,掌握相关临床检查在SAKI中的诊断、危险分层、预后评估和指导治疗有十分重要作用。本文通过复习文献,回顾总结不同影像学、生理学检查及生物标志物在SAKI中的临床价值。 Acute kidney injury ( AKI) is a common complication of critical illness .While the etiology of AKI in critically ill patients is often multifactorial , sepsis has consistently been found an important contributing factor and has been associated with high attributable morbidity and mortality . Importance should be attached to the early diagnosis , prevention and reverse of the progression .As a result, it is of great importance to understand the value of these clinical examinations in the diagnosis , classification, prognosis and clinical management in SAKI .This review will summarize the physiological biomarkers , imaging examination and biological biomarkers in SAKI and their clinical applicability .
作者 高爽 郭树彬
出处 《中国急救医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第9期769-774,共6页 Chinese Journal of Critical Care Medicine
关键词 脓毒症急性肾损伤 生物标志物 生理学检查 影像学检查 临床价值 Septic acute kidney injury (SAKI) Biological markers Physiologicalbiomarkers Imaging examination Clinical applicability
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