
稻壳源白炭黑对天然橡胶胶料动态性能的影响 被引量:7

Effect of Silica Originated from Rice Hull on Dynamic Properties of NR Compound
摘要 研究稻壳源白炭黑的结构及其对天然橡胶(NR)胶料动态性能的影响。结果表明:稻壳源白炭黑的粒径小,比表面积大,分散性较好;随着稻壳源白炭黑用量的增大,NR混炼胶的Payne效应越来越明显,硫化胶的损耗因子呈增大趋势。 The structure of the silica originated from rice hull and its effect on the dynamic proper- ties of NR compound were investigated. The results showed that,the particle size of the silica origina- ted from rice hull was small, the specific surface area was large, and the dispersity was good. As the ad- dition level of silica increased, the Payne effect of NR compound became more and more obvious, and the loss factor of NR vulcanizate tended to increase.
出处 《橡胶工业》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第9期541-545,共5页 China Rubber Industry
关键词 天然橡胶 稻壳源白炭黑 分散性 动态性能 NR silica originated from rice hull ~ dispersity dynamic property
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