
完全植入式静脉输液港在儿童血液肿瘤中的临床应用和护理 被引量:21

Clinical application and nursing of totally implantable venous accessports in pediatric hematologyoncology practice
摘要 目的探讨完全植入式静脉输液港(TIVAP)在肿瘤患儿化疗过程中的应用方法和护理效果。方法分析八一儿童医院血液肿瘤科护理的10例肿瘤患儿应用TIVAP的使用情况及护理效果。结果本研究中,10例患儿在化疗过程中应用TIVAP无外渗、外漏现象,无导管相关性血行感染等并发症。结论在肿瘤患儿化疗过程中应用TIVAP解决了反复静脉穿刺的困难,减轻了化疗对肿瘤患儿外周血管的损害,同时导管相关感染机率降低,减轻了患儿的痛苦,提高了肿瘤患儿的生存质量。 Objective To discuss the application and nursing of totally implantable venous accessports in pediatric hematology-oncology practice. Methods Ten children with cancer were treated via an implantable central venous port in Hematology and Oncology Division of Bayi Children' s Hospital.Results In this study,central venous ports were implanted successfully in 10 cases,then chemotherapy was given via this port,and no extravasation leakage phenomenon,and no catheter-related bloodstream infections as well as other complications developed. Conclusions Central venous port is capable of reducing peripheral vascular damage,alleviating the suffering of children,and improving the quality of life of children with cancer.
出处 《中国小儿血液与肿瘤杂志》 CAS 2014年第5期262-264,共3页 Journal of China Pediatric Blood and Cancer
关键词 完全植入式静脉输液港 儿童 肿瘤 化疗 Totally implantable venous accessports Children Cancer Chemotherapy
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