
高中生情绪调节自我效能感与学习投入的关系探究 被引量:10

The relationship between High School Perceived self-efficacy for affect regulation and Learning engagement
摘要 运用随机取样的方法,采用情绪调节自我效能感问卷、学习投入量表对400名高中生进行了调查研究,探讨高中生情绪调节字我效能感与学习投入的关系。结果发现?高中生的情绪调节自我效能感居于中等偏上水平而且高中生调节积极情绪优于调节沮丧痛苦情绪和生气易怒情绪。2高中生生学习投入状况整体处于中等偏低水平,其中奉献略高与活力和专注;3高中生情绪调节自我效能感与学习投入呈显著正相关。 Objective Study the relationship of the High School Perceived self-efficacy for affect regulation andLearning engagement. Methods This research adapted the Perceived self-efficacy for affect regulation questionnaire and Learning engagement questionnaire to examine Perceived self-efficacy for affect regulation Learning engagement in 400 high-school students.Results 1The High School Perceived self-efficacy for affect regulation of High School students was at the higher-middle level of the whole,Positive emotion ef-ficacy was more user than Distressing emotion efficacy and Angry emotion efficacy strategic2 Learning engagement was at the lower-middle level, the dedication was higher than the absorption and the vigor; 3There were positive correlations between Perceived self-efficacy for affect regulation and Learning engagement.
作者 李秀娟
出处 《社会心理科学》 2014年第8期16-20,96,共6页 Science of Social Psychology
关键词 情绪调节 自我效能感 学习投入 Perceived self-efficacy for affect regulation Learning engagement
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