
国内外近地表处置场处置技术研究 被引量:6

Review of Domestic and Overseas Disposal Method of Near Surface Disposal Repository
摘要 近年来低、中水平放射性废物由于其数量大,种类多等特点得到了国际上越来越多的关注。近地表处置是这类放射性废物的主要处置技术。本文介绍了国外几个国家的近地表处置场运行情况以及管理经验。陈述了我国西北和北龙两个处置场设计及运行情况,对国内外低中放处置场的处置技术进行比较,借鉴国外近地表处置场的先进经验,提出我国近地表处置场建设的相关建议,为我国新建近地表处置场建设提供参考。 Intermediate-low level radioactive waste has attracted more and more worldwide concern because of its large quantities and complex varieties in recent years.Near surface disposal repository is the main treatment method for this kind of radioactive waste.This paper summarized the operating conditions and management experience of near surface disposal repository several foreign countries.Meanwhile,the construction principles and operational conditions of Northwest and BeiLong repository were also introduced.This paper then compared the disposal methods between different countries by using the outstanding experience in this field for reference,and also it proposed relative suggestions about near surface disposal repository in China for new construction of repositories.
出处 《四川环境》 2014年第5期115-119,共5页 Sichuan Environment
关键词 近地表处置场 低、中水平放射性废物 管理经验 Near surface disposal repository intermediate-low level radioactive waste management experience
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