
规律性有氧运动对肾炎治疗皮脂刺激效果分析 被引量:1

Analysis About Effect of Regular Aerobic Exercise Sports on Nephritis Intervention and Stimulate Sebum Regulating
摘要 目的:分析规律性有氧运动对肾炎干预治疗与皮脂刺激调节效果,为肾炎干预治疗提供指导。方法:采用统计调查方法总结分析2013年1月到2013年12月医院所干预治疗的1067例慢性肾炎患者的临床资料,治疗过程,按病因分为:肾源性慢性肾炎、相关性慢性肾炎、高脂血症相关性慢性肾炎、手术相关性慢性肾炎、创伤相关性慢性肾炎和其它因素等6个方面进行分析。以病情感染原因将受试对象划分为6组,每组进行不同程度规律性有氧运动干预治疗,通过对于皮脂刺激调节结果统计分析,测定干预治疗效果。结果:规律性有氧运动对肾源性慢性肾炎患者干预治疗,41%患者肾炎感染程度明显减轻,规律性有氧运动对高脂血症相关性慢性肾炎患者干预治疗,38%患者肾炎感染程度减轻,其他因素引起的肾炎,规律性有氧运动干预治疗无明显效果。结论:规律性有氧运动对肾源性慢性肾炎和高脂血症相关性慢性肾炎的干预治疗起到促进恢复作用。 Objective:To analyze the motion of nephritis intervention and stimulate sebum regulating effect, provide guid-ance for therapeutic intervention nephritis. Methods:Patients from January 2013 to December 2013 institutes intervention of 1067 cases of chronic nephritis is analyzed, the treatment process is done, according to etiology:six aspects of chronic ne-phritis, chronic nephritis correlation, hyperlipidemia-related chronic nephritis, glomerulonephritis associated with surgery, trauma-related chronic nephritis and other factors are analyze. The reason for disease in infected subjects are divided into six groups, each with different degrees exercise intervention by regulating sebum, the stimulation results is treated with sta-tistical analysis to determine the therapeutic effect. Results:The sport has effect for nephrogenic intervention in patients with chronic nephritis, the nephritic extent of infection in patients with significantly reduced by 41%, the sport has effect on hyperlipidemia-related chronic nephritis, infection of 38%patients is reduced, and the nephritis caused by other factors, the motion intervention has no significant effect. Conclusion: Exercise has good effect for nephrogenic chronic nephritis and hyperlipidemia-related chronic nephritis in promoting recovery.
作者 司红波
出处 《科技通报》 北大核心 2014年第10期34-36,共3页 Bulletin of Science and Technology
关键词 肾炎 干预治疗 皮脂刺激调节 nephritis intervention stimulate sebum regulating
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