
高山蔬菜坡耕地沟厢改造模式的水土保持效应 被引量:1

Effects of Ridges and Furrows Design Patterns on Soil and Water Conservation in Sloping Cropland of Highland Vegetable
摘要 高山蔬菜坡耕地沟厢改造是高山蔬菜生态栽培技术的重要组成部分,已被证明能够有效缓解坡耕地水土流失,促进高山蔬菜产业的可持续发展。以鄂西高山蔬菜主产区坡耕地为对象,研究了自然降雨条件下高山菜田10种沟厢改造措施对两种坡度的坡耕地水土流失的防治效果。结果表明,在30°和15°坡度的高山菜田坡耕地上,设沟畦和开挖导流沟的耕作措施能够明显减少地表径流量和土壤流失量,且抑制效果与坡度呈正相关。直畦+导流沟、斜畦+导流沟措施与无导流沟方式相比可分别减少21%和15%的径流,36%和43%的泥沙,直畦+导流沟抑制地表径流效果较好,斜畦+导流沟对泥沙的抑制效果更佳,但陡坡地耕作仍有较高的水土流失风险。 Ecological cultivation techniques including ridge and furrows alteration have been reported as an effective technique to reducing soil and water loss in high land vegetable production. However, the effects of this technique have not been adequately evaluated. The effect of some ridge and furrows alteration techniques on soil and water loss were evaluated under nature rainfall from vegetable farmland of 1 800 m elevation on slopes with 15°and 25°gradients in western Hubei. The results showed that oblique ridging and increasing gutter significantly limited soil and water loss under different slope gradients. Runoff and soil loss under oblique ridge with gutter, vertical ridge with gutter decreased by 21% and 15%, 36% and 43%, respectively, compared with conventional vertical ridge without gutter. It is indicated that runoff reduction of vertical ridge with gutter and soil loss reduction of oblique ridge with gutter was effective. These findings will be useful in remedying soil and water loss in production of highland vegetable.
出处 《湖北农业科学》 北大核心 2014年第16期3820-3823,共4页 Hubei Agricultural Sciences
基金 农业部现代农业产业技术体系项目(nycytx-35-02-06) 湖北省农业重点应用基础研究项目(2012DBA07)
关键词 高山蔬菜 坡耕地 水土保持 沟厢改造模式 highland vegetable sloping cropland soil and water conservation ridges and furrows design patterns
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