

The Ultimate Concerns of Chinese Entrepreneurs:Exploratory Analysis and Group Segmentation
摘要 企业家终极关怀是管理哲学命题,它促使企业家不断地追求"终极目标",从而达到全面自由发展的境界。通过对587位中国企业家调查问卷分析,中国企业家的终极关怀包含三个构成维度:利他贡献、成就超我;财富声望、彰显本我;竞争整合、挑战自我。根据企业家终极关怀因子的得分再进行聚类分析,企业家群体分为四类:竞争整合导向型、利他贡献导向型、财富声望导向型、终极关怀淡漠型。将这四类企业家群体与企业类型和企业家类型的变量进行广义对应分析,得到更为确切的企业家细分群体及类型特征:有信仰的企业家更注重利他贡献;国有企业的企业家更容易淡漠终极关怀;中等规模、处于成长期企业的企业家更注重财富声望;高学历企业家更注重竞争整合。 The entrepreneur's ultimate concern is a philosophical proposition of management, which promotes entrepre-neurs to pursue the "ultimate goal" through continual and self-conscious efforts, and thereby achieve their free and compre-hensive development. Through a questionnaire survey of 587 Chinese entrepreneurs, the study identifies 3 dimensions to groupthe ultimate concerns of Chinese entrepreneurs: altruist contribution for superego achievement, wealth reputation for self mani-festation, and competitive integration for self challenge. A clustering analysis based on factor scores of the three groups of ulti-mate concerns clarifies four types of entrepreneurs: one of integration-competition orientation, one of altruist contribution ori-entation, one of wealth-reputation orientation and one of ultimate concern apathy. A general corresponding analysis of the 4types in combination with such variables as types of enterprise and features of entrepreneur generates more precise informationconcerning business segments and entrepreneur traits: those who have faith pay more attention to altruism; those of state-ownedenterprises are more likely to be indifferent to ultimate concern; those of medium-sized growing enterprises are more prestige-focused, and finally, those of highly educated tend to pay more attention to competition and integration.
作者 辛杰
出处 《财经论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期82-90,共9页 Collected Essays on Finance and Economics
基金 教育部人文社科青年基金资助项目(12YJC630246) 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(ZR2013GQ015) 山东大学自主创新研究项目(IFW12058)
关键词 企业家 终极关怀 因子分析 价值观 群体细分 entrepreneurs ultimate concern factor analysis values group segmentation
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