
血糖控制与糖尿病慢性并发症关系的循证研究 被引量:10

Evidence-based Research on the Relationship between Blood Glucose Control and Diabetic Chronic Complications
摘要 血糖控制是糖尿病综合管理的重点。循证医学证实严格的血糖控制可降低糖尿病微血管并发症的风险,而其与大血管获益的关系尚存在不确定性;血糖波动参与糖尿病慢性并发症的发生和进展。为平衡血糖控制的获益与风险,更好地延缓糖尿病慢性并发症的进展,对糖尿病患者应采取早期、长期、平稳的个体化降糖策略,并应注重采取综合治疗方案。 Blood glucose control is the focus of general management of diabetes.Evidence-based medicine has proved that strict blood glucose control could reduce the risk for microvascular complications of diabetes,while the relationship between the intensive glucose control and cardiovascular benefits is still uncertain.Blood glucose fluctuation also involves in the incidence and progression of diabetic chronic complications.In order to balance the benefits and risks of glucose control and slow the progression of diabetic chronic complications,long-term,reliable and individual hypoglycemic strategies and comprehensive treatment should be applied to diabetes patients.
作者 程欣 叶山东
出处 《医学综述》 2014年第20期3765-3767,共3页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 血糖控制 血糖波动 糖尿病 慢性并发症 Blood glucose control Blood glucose fluctuation Diabetes mellitus Chronic complications
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