
CE-1伽马能谱测量中4种月球岩石的能谱特征分析 被引量:2

Spectrum characteristics analysis of four lunar rocks based on the CE-1 gamma-ray spectrometry data
摘要 从CE-1γ能谱测量获得的数据出发,对原始数据进行处理,将原始谱线按每5°×5°网格内平均而获得月表上的γ能谱数据。选取了12条不同位置分别代表玄武岩、斜长岩、富镁岩和KREEP岩的能谱曲线进行分析,发现同一岩性的谱线具有相似性。通过对每种岩性选择的一条谱线进行分析可知,不同的岩性能谱曲线有一定的差别,表现为不同岩性在元素特征能谱峰的变化不同,玄武岩的能谱曲线特征峰主要的元素为Th、K、Si、Ca、C、Fe和Ti;斜长岩的能谱曲线特征峰主要元素为U、Ca、C、Mg、Al和Mn。KREEP岩的能谱曲线特征峰主要为K、Th、U、Si、Ca和Fe,而低C和Al;富镁岩能谱曲线表现为低U、Si、Ca和Cl而高K、Mg、Th和Fe含量特征。文中给出了能较好区分不同岩性的元素特征峰能量,可为月表γ能谱的定量分析奠定基础。 Based on the gamma-ray spectrometry data obtained from CE-1,this paper deals with the measured raw data and gets the gamma-ray spectrum data for each grid of 5°×5°.Twelve gamma-ray spectrum curves at different locations,which stand for basalt,anorthosite,magnesium-rich rock and KREEP rock respectively,were selected for analysis;we found that the spectrum curves behave the similarity for the same kind of rock,and show differences for different kinds of rocks.The results show that the elemental characteristic peaks varied with the different kinds of rocks;for basalt the characteristic peaks mainly express the elements of Th,K,Si,Ca,C,Fe,and Ti;for anorthosite the characteristic peaks represent the elements of U,Ca,C,Mg,Al,and Mn;the characteristic peaks of KREEP rock are high content of K,Th,U,Si,Ca,and Fe and low content of C and Al;for magnesium-rich rock the characteristic peaks show the characteristics of high content of K,Mg,Th,and Fe and low content of U,Si,Ca,and Cl.In conclusion,the energies of elemental characteristic peaks for identifying different lunar rocks are suggested,and these results can provide the basis for quantitative elemental analysis of lunar rocks.
出处 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期121-128,共8页 Earth Science Frontiers
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41372337 41373068)
关键词 CE-1γ能谱测量 月表岩石 玄武岩 斜长岩 富镁岩 KREEP岩 γ射线能谱曲线特征 gamma ray spectrometry of CE-1 lunar rock basalt anorthosite magnesium-rich rock KREEP rock gamma-ray spectrum curve characteristics
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