
新型环保抛光液的制备及其对软脆碲锌镉晶片的化学机械抛光 被引量:7

Chemical Mechanical Polishing of Soft-brittle CdZnTe Wafers Using a Developed Environment-friendly Solution
摘要 针对软脆碲锌镉晶片的传统加工工艺"游离磨料-抛光-化学机械抛光"存在的缺点,提出"固结磨料研磨-新型绿色环保抛光液化学机械抛光"新方法。固结磨料研磨工艺为:采用3000号刚玉防水砂纸,压力为17kPa,抛光盘与抛光垫转速均为80r/min,研磨时间为5min。新型绿色环保抛光液含有双氧水和硅溶胶,采用天然桔子汁作为pH值调节剂。化学机械抛光工艺为:采用自行研制的化学机械抛光液,绒毛抛光垫,抛光压力为28kPa,抛光盘与抛光垫转速均为60r/min,抛光时间为30min。试验结果表明,经过上述加工可获得超光滑的表面,表面粗糙度算术平均值、均方根值、峰谷值分别可以达到0.568nm、0.724nm、6.061nm。 A strategy consisting of fixed-abrasive lapping and a developed environment-friendly solution was proposed for polishing cadmium zinc telluride(CdZn Te or CZT ) .This was to eliminate the disadvantages for conventional machining method including free abrasive lapping ,polishing and chemical mechanical polishing on CZT wafers .Waterproof paper of alumina with mesh size of 3000 was employed as fixed-abrasive lapping pad .Lapping experiments were conducted at a pressure of 17 kPa on CZT wafers .The rotation speeds for polishing plate and pad were as 80 r/min respectively ,and the duration was as 5 min during lapping experiments .The developed environment-friendly solution consisted of peroxide ,silica ,and natural orange juice that was used for pH modulator .Chemical mechanical polishing was carried out at a pressure of 28 kPa ,rotation speeds of 60 r/min for both of polishing pad and plate ,and a duration of 30 min .The experimental results show that ultra-smooth polished surfaces are achieved ,where surface roughness Ra ,root mean square(rms) ,and peak-to-valley(PV) values are as 0.568 nm ,0.724 nm ,and 6.061 nm ,respectively .
出处 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第22期3008-3011,共4页 China Mechanical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助重大项目(91123013) 清华大学摩擦学国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目(SKLTKF12A08) 燕山大学亚稳材料制备技术与科学国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目(201302) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(DUT13YQ109)
关键词 碲锌镉 固结磨料 绿色环保抛光液 化学机械抛光 CdZnTe fixed abrasive green and environment-friendly solution chemical mechanical polishing
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