
对犹太隔都的再思考——以威尼斯隔都为例 被引量:5

Rethinking on the Jewish Ghetto: As an Example of Venetian Ghetto
摘要 隔都起源于1516年的威尼斯,它的建立并不是传统理解的"过去相对宽容的彻底中断"和"犹太人居于主流社会之外的明证"。相反,隔都为犹太人提供了"明确的容身之地",犹太人也通过各种途径与主流社会保持着密切联系,这不仅使犹太人的民族性得到维系,而且也为主流社会的文化进入隔都以及隔都内文化的发展提供了有利条件,推动着当时犹太文化的发展。 The establishment of the Jewish ghetto was neither a radical break with a tolerable past nor a proof of the Jews living outside the majority, which originated from the Venice in 1516. The ghetto provided Jews with a clearly well defined living place within the Christian society, and the Jews also contacted with the majority society through various ways. The ghetto advanced in maintaining the national character of Jews, and affected by pop culture and ideas. It also facilitated the development of culture and ideas within the ghetto, which lead a new direction to the Jewish culture.
作者 卢镇
出处 《历史教学(下半月)》 CSSCI 2014年第11期51-56,共6页 History Teaching
基金 教育部人文社科项目"近现代犹太社会转型研究"(项目编号:12YJC770022)的阶段性成果
关键词 犹太人 隔都 威尼斯 中世纪式宽容 Jews, Ghetto, Venice, Medieval Toleration
  • 相关文献


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  • 2David Ruderman, "The Ghetto and Jewish Cultural Formation in Early Modern Europe: Towards a New Interpretation", in Anita Norich and Yaron Eliav, eds., Jewish Literatures and Cultures: Context and Intertext, Providence: Brown Judaic Studies, 2008, pp. 117-118.
  • 3David Ruderman, "The Ghetto and Jewish Cultural Formation in Early Modern Eu- rope: Towards a New Interpretation", pp.118-123.
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  • 6David B. Ruderman, Essential Papers on Jewish Culture in Renaissance and Baroque Italy, 1992, p.373.
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  • 9Dana E. Katz, The Jew in the Art of the Italian Renaissance, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008, p.4.
  • 10Robert Bonfil, Jewish Life in Renaissance Italy, pp.72-73.


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