
5~6岁幼儿自我概念图片量表的编制 被引量:4

Development of the Pictorial Scale of Self-Concept for Kindergarten Children Aged 5-6
摘要 为编制5~6岁幼儿自我概念图片量表,本研究采用WAI(WhoAmI)技术,对19名5~6岁幼儿进行了一对一的开放式访谈;采用自编《5~6岁幼儿自我概念图片量表》对107名5-6岁幼儿进行预测,通过项目分析、验证性因素分析、信度分析对量表的内部一致性信度、分半信度和构想效度进行检验;采用经预测考证后的《5—6岁幼儿自我概念图片量表》对339名5—6幼儿正式施测(3个月后又对其中的50名幼儿进行了重测),同时采用《4~7岁儿童社会化量表》对143名幼儿家长进行测试。通过相关分析等方法对量表的重测信度和校标关联效度进行分析,采用验证性因素分析再次对量表的结构效度进行分析。结果表明:(1)验证性因子分析显示,5~6岁幼儿的自我概念由学业能力、同伴关系、生活习惯、服从性和家庭关系五个维度构成,量表的结构效度良好且具有跨样本的稳定性;(2)量表各维度及总量表的内部一致性信度与重测信度均在O.60以上,量表各维度得分及量表总分与《4。7岁儿童社会化发展量表》中自我概念维度的相关系数介于0.41-0.59,均达到0.05水平或以上显著。这表明本研究编制的《5—6岁幼儿自我概念图片量表》具有良好的心理测量学特性,可供今后同类研究使用。 To develop a pictorial scale that can measure 5-6 years old kindergarten children's self- concept, the study adopted the technology of WAI (Who Am I), and one to one open-ended interviews with 19 kindergarten children aged 5-6. 107 kindergarten children aged 5-6 were administrated to finished the pretest of the self-developed Pictorial Scale of Self-Concept for Kindergarten Children Aged 5-6, Of which internal consistency reliability, split-half reliability and construct validity had been analyzed through item analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and reliability analysis. 339 kindergarten children aged 5-6 completed the formal test (fifty of them were retested three month later), and 143 parents of those children finished the Children's Social Development Scale for Children Aged 4-7. It could be concluded that the Pictorial Scale of Self-Concept for Kindergarten Children Aged 5-6 developed has good reliability and validity, and can be used for further studies in this field.
作者 刘旺 田丽丽
出处 《学前教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期43-52,共10页 Studies in Early Childhood Education
基金 广东省普通高校人文社会科学研究重点研究基地项目(编号:11JDXM19001)
关键词 5~6岁幼儿 自我概念 图片量表 kindergarten children aged 5-6, self-concept, pictorial scale
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