
大气降水中重金属离子特征研究 被引量:2

Summary of Characteristics of Heavy Metals in Atmospheric Precipitation
摘要 大气降水中重金属离子的研究可以反映大气污染、地表水污染的信息。通过对国内外大气降水中重金属研究现状的阐述和大气降水中重金属的来源进行理论分析,并利用实地大气降水采样分析,归纳出其中重金属的特征,监测当前大气的污染状况,从而为区域性的大气中重金属的污染评价及污染治理提供理论依据。降水中的重金属元素主要包括Pb、Mn、Zn、Cu、Cd、Cr等,通过分析测定可以为利用大气降水作为重要饮用水补给源的区域提供饮水安全保障。 The research of heavy metals in atmospheric precipitation can reflect the information of atmospheric pollution and surface water pollution. This study described atmospheric precipitation of heavy metals in the status quo at home and abroad, whose sources of heavy metals were analyzed. And then through field sampling and analysis of atmospheric precipitation, it summed up the characteristics of heavy metals, carved out of the current status of atmospheric pollution. This would provide a theoretical basis for a regional atmospheric heavy metal pollution assessment and pollution Control. Precipitation of heavy metal elements including Pb, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, etc. , through the analysis, this provided a guarantee of water security for Kunming main city zone, which depends on precipitation recharge production and living water.
出处 《环境科学与管理》 CAS 2014年第11期41-44,共4页 Environmental Science and Management
基金 云南省社会发展科技计划项目(05400206040216002 2011FB042)
关键词 大气降水 重金属 来源分析 atmospheric precipitation heavy metals source analysis
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