TDI CCD检测设备在整个空间TDI CCD相机的研制过程中做为重要的检测工具,其无故障的工作状态十分重要。但是由于目前TDI CCD检测设备采用的采集卡、PC结构的系统结构,其工作过分依赖货架软件及硬件产品。在若干年的空间相机研制过程中,货架产品的停产或消失,严重影响了设备的维护。对TDI CCD检测原理进行了详细的讨论,进而提出了一种嵌入式的检测设备。该设备的物理尺寸为320mm250mm100mm,采用电池供电,可以独立工作3h。不但可以同时检测多片TDICCD,而且还可以适应了80%的TDICCD相机研制检测环境,解决了使用过程中的维护难问题。
During years time of the aerospace TDI CCD camera production the measurement instruments were not available occasionally because of the off self software and hardware's off line.Base on the analyzing of the TDI CCD measurement methods an embedded TDICCD measurement instrument is proposed,which has a size of 320mm250mm100mm,has 3 hours operate time with a battery,and can test 3 TDI CCDs on the same time.By reconfiguring the measurement instrument can be used in the whole TDI CCD camera measurement process.Through the experiments it is proved that the TDI CCD measurement instrument solves the problem above.
Electronic Measurement Technology