
响应面法优化火棘果中黄酮类化合物提取工艺的研究 被引量:1

Optimization of Extraction Conditions of Flavonoids in Pyracantha Fortuneana by Response Surface Methodology
摘要 采用乙醇回流提取方法,以单因素试验结果为依托,利用Design-Expert软件中Box-Behnken模型探索提取时间、提取浓度及提取温度对黄酮类化合物提取率的影响。结果表明,提取时间、提取浓度及提取温度对提取率的影响极为显著,得到最佳提取工艺的条件为:提取时间4 h、乙醇体积分数80.6%、提取温度71℃。以此条件进行试验,得到火棘果中黄酮类化合物的提取率为1.268%,与理论提取率1.270%较接近。 The extraction conditions of flavonoids in Pyracanthafortuneana were optimized by response surface methodology. The effects of ethanol concentration, temperature and extraction time were studied. The optimal extraction conditions were as follows: extraction time 4 h, temperature 71 ℃, and ethanol concentration 80.6%. Under these optimal conditions,the extraction efficiency of flavonoids was 1. 268%. The extraction process was feasible and could be used in the industrial production.
出处 《湖北理工学院学报》 2014年第5期48-52,共5页 Journal of Hubei Polytechnic University
基金 国家创新训练项目(项目编号:201310920008)
关键词 火棘果 黄酮 响应面 Pyracantha fortuneana flavonoids response surface
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