

Re-analysis on dark matter, possible dark energy and gravitational waves——That from the physics significances of the B-mode polarization of cosmic microwave background radiation
摘要 (1)论述了以宇宙大部分星系合并成的重力真空星的类似局部暴涨解释了宇宙加速膨胀的可能暗能量的高比例之源;也因此,哈佛-史密森天体物理学中心等BICEP2望远镜发现的宇宙微波背景辐射的B模式偏振信号,无论作为"宇宙暴涨的确凿证据",还是作为引力波的宇宙原初证据,均不一定成立的;其更大的可能性是宇宙暴涨与上述的类似局部暴涨的引力波叠加作用的结果。(2)论述了美国费米国家加速器实验室CDF2008年发现的疑似暗物质的标准模型之外的新粒子,可能是已有的Ω粒子。(3)BICEP2望远镜的前述发现有力地支持引力子的单手性,为中国本文作者2012年提出的左旋中微子(中微子震荡不足以证明其非零质量)与引力子可能的一致性提供进一步的佐证,为4种力的广义统一提供新的可能性。 The sudden increase of the proportion of dark energy inside the total cosmic mass-energy,the generally-accepted drive of the university's accelerating expansion, should be explained basing on that Most galaxies merged into a large gravitational vacuum star with their collisions, and these material led by dark matter change into the dark energy via a mechanism like the local inflationary unverse; where-at, the B-mode polarization of cosmic microwave background radiation found by the scientists of Harvard - Smithson Center for Astrophysics according to BICEP2 telescope, seems rather to be the result of co-action of both the cosmic original gravitational wave and that from the above-mentioned transversion similar to soaring when it was the unverse's 60 million years, than to be the evidence of a single cosmic origi-nal gravitational or than to be the solid evidence of cosmic soaring at birth. Of a negative gravitation action ,dark energy should be suitable for the material carrier of a concrete information of consciousness.The quark star model explaining "black hole"(dark star) published by us in Jan,2013. The quark star was composed of the positive and negative quarks with the electronic charge equal to one third of a positive or negative electron, these quarks were combined by the form similar to that in the diamond with space lattice like tetrahedron, where there were strong interaction, electromagnetism and gravity. That the most basical quark may be have hollow structure, had been suggested in our previous essay according to the classical mechanics significance of law of conservation between mass and energy .The temporary exclusion of weakly interacting massive particle to act as one of particles consisting of dark matter, as an international advance in studies on dark mat-ter after our works in Jau,2013,further support that the "black hole" (dark star or quark star, which lies the center of galaxies et al) had been thought to have so enough proportion of universe matter as to be ablity of explaining well dark matter in our essay published in Jau,2013. The new particle detected in the celerator(Tevation) detector of Fermi(National accelerator)Laboratory (CDF) in 2008,which had been regard-ed a suspected particle of dark matter beyond the standard model, may only be the known Omega(Ω)particle. The aforementioned discov-ery from BICEP2 telescope strongly supports the single chirality of graviton, which gives further evidence on the unity between a graviton and the left-handed neutrino (the unity was mentioned in 2012 by us ),and provides new possibilities of the generalized unity of the 4 "basical"forces. An experimental confirmation or falsification of the unity between the left-handed neutrino (the phenomenon of neutrinos oscillation may not be sufficient to prove them having non-zero mass)and a graviton, could have certain significance.
作者 张海鹏 华凌
出处 《黑龙江科技信息》 2014年第26期164-166,共3页 Heilongjiang Science and Technology Information
基金 中华人民共和国国家自然科学基金项目No.2013990518 河北省科教基金项目20020221~~
关键词 暗能量 暗物质 引力子 引力波 中微子 左旋 BICEP2 望远镜 标准模型之外的新粒子 费米国家实验室碰撞探测器(CDF) Tevation加速器 微波背景辐射 dark matter, dark energy,possible black hole, quark star, gravitational wave graviton left-handed neutrino material carrier ofconsciousness information CDF,Tevation accelerator, Fermi Laboratory cosmic microwave background radiation loop quantum mechanics BI-CEP2 telescope accelerating expansion
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