
珍稀濒危蝴蝶--虎凤蝶的生物生态学研究进展 被引量:2

Advances in conservation biology of the rare and threatened butterfly genus Luehdorfia (Lepidoptera:Papilionidae)
摘要 虎凤蝶是世界珍稀濒危蝴蝶之一.本文介绍了近50年来虎凤蝶属中4种蝴蝶的研究进展,其中以中华虎凤蝶(Luehdorfi a chinensis Leech)和日本虎凤蝶(L.japonica Leech)为主,对虎凤蝶属的系统发生关系、生物学特性、分子生态学、行为生态学和种群保护现状等方面的研究进行了综述.通过形态学、分子系统学鉴定,大多学者认为虎凤蝶属昆虫起源于中国,但日本学者却认为它有可能起源于日本,这些观点尚需进一步的验证.多位学者观察发现,虎凤蝶以蛹越夏、越冬,蛹期长达280 d左右.早期幼虫具有聚集行为;其食性专一,仅取食马兜铃科马蹄香或细辛属植物.其雄性性行为具有排他性,在交配1次后其雌性腹部末端会形成1个封瓣.目前,仅测得中华虎凤蝶与太白虎凤蝶(L.taibai Chou)的线粒体全基因组序列.总体而言,日本学者对日本特有的日本虎凤蝶已进行了多方面的深入研究,而我国仅限于对中华虎凤蝶的生物性状、人工繁殖以及种群数量动态方面的研究.因此,建议在将来的研究中开展中华虎凤蝶种群有效大小和种群生存力分析等保护性研究工作,为我国虎凤蝶的有效保护和管理提供科学依据;另外,可进行虎凤蝶生态基因组学研究,鉴定决定其专食性的关键基因以及嗅觉、味觉和解毒酶基因,深入探讨虎凤蝶濒危的分子机制. Luehdorfia is one of the rare and endangered butterfly genera widely researched in the world. This paper introduces the research progress on the four species of the genus Luehdorfia butterflies in the past 50 years, mainly on L. chinensis and L. japonica. The review covers the Luehdorfia phylogenetic relationships, biological characteristics, molecular ecology, behavioral ecology, population status and protection. By means of morphological identification and molecular systematics, most scholars believe that the Luehdorfia butterflies originated in China, whereas a few Japanese scholars think it may have originated in Japan, hence these ideas need further validation. The scholars observed, the Luehdorfia butterflies can aestivate and hibernate through the pupal stage as long as 280 days or so. The early Luehdorfia larvae have aggregation behavior. Butterflies of this genus feed only on Saruma henryi or Asarum species of Aristolochia. The male has exclusive sexual behavior; and the female forms a sphragis at the end of abdomen after mating for one time. Up to now, mitochondrial genome sequences were completely sequenced for only L. chinensis and L. taibai. Overall, Japanese scholars have conducted a wide range of in-depth research for L. japonica endemic to Japan, while China's research is limited to the biological traits, artificial propagation and the dynamics of population quantity ofL. chinensis. Therefore, we propose effective population size and the population viability analysis for L. chinensis, to provide a scientific basis for effective conservation and management of the tiger stripes butterflies. In addition, ecological genomic research is also needed to identify the oligophagous key genes and smell, taste and detoxifying enzyme genes, for further exploration of the molecular mechanism of the endangered butterfly.
出处 《应用与环境生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1139-1144,共6页 Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology
关键词 虎凤蝶属 中华虎凤蝶 日本虎凤蝶 取食行为 保护生物学 生物生态学 Luehdorfia Luehdorfia chinensis Luehdorfiajaponica feeding behavior conservation biology bioecology
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