
我国公立医疗机构按病种收费研究 被引量:2

The Research of the Payment of Disease Vases in China's Public Medical Institutions
摘要 我国医疗改革已进行了几十年,政府已尽到了最大努力,但收效并不如意,看病难、看病贵的问题依然存在,我国医疗改革如何深入进行?这是一个摆在党和政府面前的一个难题。一个带有方向性治本性的改革方案,那就是我国公立医疗机构实行按病种收费。为此,文章首先设计了一个按病种收费系统完整实施方案,全面深入剖析了其重要意义,预测了实施中可能出现的问题,提出了对策建议。 China's health care reform has been carried out for decades, our government has tried to the utmost effort, but the result is not satisfactory. Difficult and expensive to see a doctor is still a problem, then how deep is China's medical reform This is a place in front of us a difficult problem of the party and the government. This paper presents a radical reform plan, that is, public medical institu-tions in China to implement the fees according to the disease. Firstly, it advises the design of a complete implementation plan according to disease fee system, systematically analyzes its significance and predictes the implementation problems that may arise in the foundation, proposes eight countermeasures and suggestions. If the Chinese government accepts the scheme, it will fundamentally solve China's medi-cal security in China's medical illnesses and improve the ability and level of protection to a new stage.
作者 王文举
机构地区 安徽财经大学
出处 《铜陵学院学报》 2014年第5期11-14,共4页 Journal of Tongling University
关键词 我国 公立医疗机构 按病种收费 country public medical institutions fees according to the disease
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