
SCI收录的病理学期刊的文献计量分析及投稿选刊策略 被引量:3

Biliometric Analysis on Pathology Journals Collected by SCI and the Strategy for Submitting Manuscripts and Selecting Journals
摘要 以SCI期刊引证报告(JCR)最新网络版(2013年)为依据,结合Med Sci平台,采集了76种病理学期刊的影响因子、国别、语种、出版频率、学科分区、即年指标、被引半衰期、Med Sci指数等指标,检索并计算出近5年各期刊刊载中国论文的比例,分析了SCI收录的病理学期刊的文献计量学特征,为专业人员投稿选刊提供了参考。 Based on the SCI Journal Citation Reports(JCR)up-to-data network version of 2013, and connecting with the platform Med Sci, this paper collects the indexes of 76 pathology journals such as the impact factor, country, language,publication frequency, quartile in category, immediacy index, cited half-life, and Med Sci index, etc., retrieves and calculates the proportions of Chinese papers published in each journal in recent 5 years, and analyzes the bibliometrics characteristics of pathology journals collected by SCI for providing strategical reference for submitting manuscripts and selecting journals of professionals.
作者 邹聪
出处 《科技情报开发与经济》 2014年第24期116-120,共5页 Sci-Tech Information Development & Economy
关键词 SCI 病理学期刊 文献计量学特征 投稿选刊策略 SCI pathology journals bibliometric characteristics strategy for submitting manuscripts and selecting journals
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