
互联网时代的商业模式创新:价值创造视角 被引量:954

The Innovation of Business Model in Internet Era:From Value Creation Perspective
摘要 在互联网时代下,传统的价值链中以供给为导向的商业模式正在逐渐走向消亡,以需求为导向的互联网商业模式和价值创造正在出现。针对这种情况,本文提出了互联网时代商业模式概念并对它的关键要素如社群、平台、跨界、资源聚合和产品设计进行了描述。讨论了商业模式的主要隔离机制已经由技术研发转为社群平台,并在此讨论基础上提出了互联网时代的商业逻辑——社群逻辑下的平台模式。然后,基于社群平台模式,从价值创造的视角出发,讨论了互联网经济与传统工业经济价值创造在载体、方式与逻辑的差异,最后,从租金的角度分析商业模式的内在驱动力,并对不同时代下企业经济租金几种形式(彭罗斯租金、李嘉图租金和熊彼特租金)的变化做出了解释。在此基础上,阐述了互联网时代连接的重要性,指出连接满足了顾客深层次的需求,进而揭示了互联网时代的商业模式追逐的是连接红利。 The production orientated business model which used in industrial period is fading away, the demand oriented business model which used in internet era and the logic behind value creation is growing since internet era coming. In view of this situation, the article propose the concept of internet era business model and describe the key elements, such as community, platform, cross-border, resource aggregation and product design. The main isolation mechanism of business model has been changed from technology development to community platform. From the discussion, the article proposal is that the business logic is the platform model under community logic in internet era. Based on this model, and from value creation perspective, the authors also try to figure out the difference between industrial period and internet era about tool, method and logic of value creation. Finally, from rent perspective,the paper analyses the driving force of business model and explain the transformation about several sort of enterprise economic rents (Penrosian rent, Ricardian rent, Schumpeterian rent), and point out the important of linkage. The article point out the linkage meet custom's deeper needs and which reveals the purpose of business model in internet era is chasing for linkage dividend.
作者 罗珉 李亮宇
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期95-107,共13页 China Industrial Economics
关键词 互联网 商业模式 价值创造 连接红利 internet business model value creation linkage dividend
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