
咖啡主要烘焙风味物质的形成及变化规律 被引量:53

Formation and characteristics of the main roasted coffee flavour compounds
摘要 咖啡以其独特的风味和功能特性受到人们的喜爱。烘焙温度及烘焙时间决定了咖啡的烘焙程度,并对咖啡风味物质的产生及变化产生重要影响。咖啡主要烘焙风味物质是与咖啡风味直接相关且代表性强的香气成分,本文通过综合分析烘焙程度与咖啡主要风味物质的形成和变化规律的关系,为系统了解和掌握精品咖啡烘焙工艺提供科学参考。 Coffee is a popular beverage for its unique flavour and functional properties.Roasting degree, influenced by roasting temperature and roasting time, has significant effect on the formation and variation of the coffee flavor compounds. Main roasted coffee flavour compounds is directly related to coffee flavour, and has a great representativeness of coffee flavour.Through analysis of roasted coffee flavour compounds, this review provided process. the relationships between the roasting degree and the a scientific reference to utilize speciality coffee roasting
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期394-400,共7页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31171771)
关键词 咖啡 烘焙 风味物质 变化规律 coffee roasting flavour compounds variation
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