
硅微粉在余热锅炉受热面上积灰的实验研究 被引量:3

Deposition Behavior of Fine SiO_2 Powder on the Heating Surface in the Waste Heat Recovery Boilers
摘要 为研究硅铁余热锅炉受热面的积灰特性,在热态积灰实验台上用硅微粉和燃气烟气模拟余热锅炉内的实际烟气,研究了烟气温度、流速、飞灰浓度和积灰时间等对硅微粉积灰过程的影响规律。实验表明:随着烟气温度升高,捕获率和积灰速率均增大;烟气流速增大,捕获率减小,积灰速率先增大后减小,流速为8m/s时,积灰速率达到最大;飞灰浓度增大,捕获率减小,积灰速率增大;积灰时间延长,积灰总量增大,捕获率和积灰速率基本不变。研究成果可指导硅铁余热锅炉的设计和运行。 The deposition behavior of SiO2 powder in flue gas on the heating surface in waste heat recovery boiler was investigated in this paper. Fine SiO2 powder and combustion gas were mixed to simulate real flue gas. The effects of temperature, gas flow rate, concentration of fly ash and deposition time on the deposition behavior were examined. Two indices, capture efficiency (CE) and rate of deposition (RD) were used to represent the deposit behaviors. The results show that with increasing flue gas temperature, CE and RD increase. With the flow rate of the gas increasing, CE decreases, while RD increases at first and then decreases. With the concentration of fly ash increasing, CE decreases and RD increase. Both CE and RD keep almost unchanged when fouling time changes. The conclusion of this paper can provide guidance to the design and operation of the ferrosilicon waste heat recovery boilers.
出处 《锅炉技术》 北大核心 2014年第5期4-8,共5页 Boiler Technology
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划973计划(2011CB201202) 国家科技支撑计划(2010BAC66B03)
关键词 硅微粉 积灰 捕获率 积灰速率 SiO2 powder deposition capture efficiency rate of deposition
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