
公私关系的认识论重建与国际法发展 被引量:25

On the Reestablishment of Epistemology of Public-Private Relation and the Development of International Law
摘要 认识论根本上决定了国际法实践和人们对于国际法实践的理解。国际法传统上被认为是作为公法人的主权国家创设并适用的处理彼此间关系的法律体系,它体现了公—公关系认识论的思维模式。20世纪中期,尤其90年代以来,私人参与或影响国际关系的能力获得实质性提高,国际法的公—私关系认识论得以形成,据此国际法发展应当被理解为包括国家和国际组织在内的国际公法人与私人进行多维度、多层次、多形式以及多主体间的互动过程。虽然公私关系认识论并不能完全取代公—公关系认识论,但在国际社会日益重视"人"的时代背景下,二者的结构性关系将朝着强化前者的方向发展,并且前者更具有基础性。由于中国和平发展进程的特殊性,比如国际关系日益迈向法治化、私人空前地参与或影响国际关系、特殊的公私关系传统与当代转型,积极接受并准确理解公—私关系认识论对于中国在实现和平发展的历史性进程中发挥国际法的积极作用、减少其消极作用,尤其具有重要意义。 Epistemology fundamentally determines the understanding and practice of international legal law. International law has traditionally been defined as the legal regime which is made by sovereign states as public entities to regulate the relations between countries. Since the mid-twentieth Century, the 1990s in particular, private entities substantially had been participating in and influencing international relations and then the epistemology of public private relations is expected to emerge. Thus, international law should be considered as the process of interactions between public international entities and private entities with multi-dimensions, multi-layers, muhi-modalities and multi-subjects. While the epistemology of public-private relationship does not replace the epistemology of public-public relationship, the former would be highlighted and more fundamental against the latter in the era in which " human being" has been increasingly attached importance within the international society.' The positive acceptance and proper understanding of the epistemology of public-private relationship is significant for China to take advantage of the positive effect while reduce the negative effect of international law from the perspective of China' s peaceful development since this historical process has some unique characteristics, for instance, international relations are increasingly moving toward the rule of law, private entities have been unprecedentedly participating in or influencing international relations, and Chinese unique tradition of public-private relationship and its contemporary transformation.
作者 蔡从燕
机构地区 厦门大学法学院
出处 《中国法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期187-206,共20页 China Legal Science
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  • 1Soreing v. UK ,1989, 11 ECHR 439, also in Martin Dixon & Robert McCorquodale ,eds.,, CasesMaterials on International Law, Oxford University Press, 2003, p. 288.
  • 2《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》,第7条.
  • 3《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》,第3条.
  • 4《欧洲人权公约》,第3条.
  • 5《美洲人权公约》,第5条.
  • 6冯洁菡.《全球公共健康危机与,TRIPS协定与公共健康多哈宣言>》,载曾令良,主编.《21世纪初的国际法与中国》,武汉大学出版社,2005年,第198—215页.
  • 7http: //www. wto. org/english/news_ e/pres03 _ e/pr350_ e. htm.
  • 8http: //www. wto. org/english/news_ e/pres05 _ e/pr426 _ e. htm.
  • 9李雪平.《WTO与劳工权益保护》,载曾令良,主编.《21世纪初的国际法与中国》,第286页.
  • 10Quoted in Stiglitz, A Fair Deal for the World: A Review of George Soros' On Globalization, New York Review of Books, May 23, 2002, at www. nybooks, com/aritcles/15403.










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