
非旋转弹外弹道绕质心运动引信受力分析 被引量:3

Force Analysis for the Fuze on the Motion of a Unrotating Projectile Around the Center of Mass in Exterior Ballistics
摘要 为给引信安全性设计提供准确的外弹道力学环境,应用刚体动力学理论建立了非旋转弹外弹道上绕质心运动数学模型,得出了引信零部件因弹丸外弹道绕质心运动产生的惯性力轴向分量和径向分量计算公式,进一步简化后给出了工程实用计算公式。分析结果表明,引信零部件因弹丸外弹道上绕质心运动而产生的惯性力径向分量最大值与轴向分量最大值的比值是最大章动角,并且其中一个取极值时另一个接近于0,因此,在分析引信零部件因弹丸绕质心运动惯性力极限值作用而运动时,可以不考虑该惯性力产生的摩擦力影响。 In order to provide an accurate mechanical environment of exterior ballistics for fuze safety de- sign, a mathematical model of the motion of unrotating projectile around the center of mess in exterior ballistics is established based on the rigid body dynamics. The formulas of the radial and axial compo- nents of the inertial force acting on fuze parts, which is caused by the motion of non-rotating projectile a- round the center of mess, are derived. The results show that the ratio of the maximum radial component of the inertial force to its maximum axial one is the largest nutation angle. And the radial component clo- ses to zero when the axial component reaches to the maximum, and vice versa. So the frictional force caused by this inertial force can be ignored during the analysis for motion of fuze parts caused by the same inertial force.
出处 《兵工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期53-57,共5页 Acta Armamentarii
基金 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目(BK20140786)
关键词 兵器科学与技术 引信设计 刚体动力学 外弹道 ordnance science and technology fuze design rigid body dynamics exterior ballistics
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