21世纪以来,美国约有158所大学开展了与"全球健康"(Global Health)相关的教学、科研和服务工作。2012年武汉大学在国内率先招收全球健康学专业本科生,探索适应中国国情的全球健康人才培养模式。在参考国外全球健康学人才培养方案及国内公共卫生人才培养方案的基础上,对全球健康专业本科学生的专业素养(包括培养目标、核心能力和核心知识)进行了讨论,并对全球健康本科专业的课程模块化设计开展专家咨询,提出了初步方案。
Since the 21th Century, there are about 158 universities in the United States that have developed teaching, research, and relative services in Global Health. In 2012, Wuhan University took the first to lead in China to recruit undergraduate students majoring in global health, so as to explore Chinese featured cultivation model for global health students. Based on student cultivation models of both international experience in global health and do- mestic experience in public health, in this paper, the professional quality of undergraduate students in global health has been discussed in 3 aspects: cultivation objectives, core capabilities and knowledge. Expert consultations were conducted on how to design module courses for undergraduate students in global health. In the end, a preliminary plan was proposed.
Chinese Journal of Social Medicine