
燃气发动机组控制系统方法探究 被引量:3

Discussion on Control System Methods for Fuel Gas Engine Unit
摘要 以船用四冲程天然气燃料发动主机为参考模型,研究分析了以天然气为燃料的发动主机系统启动、主机系统状态监测、主机系统调速控制、机械设备安全保护控制等;在满足船级社"天然气燃料动力装置"技术规范与相关国家标准的前提下,通过对发动机组控制系统框架的介绍、控制系统的软硬件设计的分析、控制系统的各控制功能的解析、燃气发动机的调速控制以及在调速控制下的燃烧控制等方面的阐述,探究一种以天然气为燃料的发动主机控制系统优化设计模型与方法,实现对以天然气为燃料的发动机组的可靠准确控制,提高了其工作稳定性、可靠性以及经济性。 Taking four stroke natural gas host engine as a reference, the system startup, host engine system state monitoring, speed regulating, safety protection control and so on are investigated for host engine with natural gas as fuel. Under premise of meeting technical specifications of "natural gas fuel power plant" of ship classification society and related national standards, one kind of design model and method of optimization of control system for launch host using natural gas as fuel is explored through introduction control system framework, analysis of hardware and software design of control system, analysis of each functions of control system, speed regulation and combustion under speed control etc. to achieve reliable and accurate control for engine using natural gas as fuel, and to improve stability, reliability and economic efficiency.
作者 史书臣
出处 《石油化工自动化》 CAS 2015年第1期39-42,共4页 Automation in Petro-chemical Industry
关键词 发动主机 天然气 优化设计 控制系统 start main engine natural gas optimal design control system
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