
论高工作温度碲镉汞红外探测器(下) 被引量:2

On the High Operating Temperature Mercury Cadmium Telluride Infrared Detector(Ⅱ)
摘要 与用其他材料制备的红外光子探测器相比,碲镉汞红外探测器具有带隙灵活可调、量子效率较高以及R_oA接近理论值等优点。碲镉汞探测器的主要缺点是需要低温制冷,以抑制引起噪声的热生自由载流子。期望碲镉汞探测器在具有高工作温度(High Opeating Temperature,HOT)的同时而又无需牺牲性能。HOT碲镉汞探测器的设计目标主要是抑制俄歇过程,从而降低探测器噪声和低温制冷需求。从相关基本概念出发,讨论了对HOT碲镉汞物理机制的理解以及近年来HOT碲镉汞技术的发展状况。 Compared with the infrared photon detectors fabricated from other materials,the infrared detectors fabricated from mercury cadmium telluride(MCT) have several advantages of highly tunable bandgap,high quantum efficiency and R_oA approaching the theoretical limit.The main drawback of the MCT detectors is that they have need to use cryogenic cooling to suppress the thermal-induced free carriers resulting in noise.It is desirable that the MCT detectors can operate at high operating temperatures(HOT) without sacrificing their performance.The HOT/MCT detectors are designed mainly to suppress Auger processes so as to reduce noise and degrade cryogenic cooling requirement.Starting from related basic concepts,the understanding of the physical mechanism of HOT/MCT is discussed and the development of HOT/MCT detection technology in recent years is presented.
作者 王忆锋 刘萍
机构地区 昆明物理研究所
出处 《红外》 CAS 2014年第10期7-13,32,共8页 Infrared
关键词 高工作温度 碲镉汞 红外探测器 HOT探测器 high operating temperature mercury cadmium telluride infrared detector HOT detector
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