

The Study of network bureau (company) study onperformance management mode
摘要 绩效管理是最重要的理论基础,为解决绩效考核流程中存在的问题,本文提出了“基于流程网络的绩效管理”体系,即“6网协同”,针对我国烟草考核流程中的困难提出解决思路,为我国烟草商业企业绩效考核提供了参考. performance management is the most important basis, to give full play to the importance of performance appraisal in China tobacco business enterprises, solve the existingproblems in the performance appraisal process, this paper puts forward "performance management" process network based system, according to the Shandong Provincial Tobacco examinationprocess difficult to put forward solutions, provide the reference for the performance evaluation of China tobacco commercial enterprise.
出处 《经济视野》 2014年第15期55-56,共2页 Economic Vision
关键词 绩效管理 绩效管理体系 “6网协同” 流程网络 performance management performance management system"6 network collaboration"flow network
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