
基于伴随方法的动态非定常气动外形优化设计 被引量:3

Aerodynamic Shape Optimization for Dynamic Unsteady Flows Based on Adjoint Method
摘要 为实现动态非定常条件下的气动外形优化设计,基于非定常形式的欧拉方程及伴随方程,建立了一套完整的针对非定常动态问题的气动外形优化设计方法,并采用所建立的方法,对俯仰振荡的NACA0012翼型在跨声速(Ma=0.8)及限制条件下进行了翼型时均减阻外形优化.对优化设计的结果进行了分析.研究结果表明:该动态非定常气动外形优化设计方法具有较高的可靠性和实用性. In order to realize aerodynamic shape optimization for dynamic unsteady flows, a complete design system was proposed based on unsteady Euler equation and adjoint method for the aerodynamic shape optimization design. With this method, the aerodynamic shape of airfoil NACA0012 was optimized to reduce its time averaged drag in the operating condition of pitching oscillating , transonic flows (Ma=0.8) and some restrict environment. The optimization results were simulated. The simulation results show that this system is reliable and reasonable.
出处 《北京理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期127-132,共6页 Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology
基金 国家部委预研项目(201220758)
关键词 气动外形优化设计 动态翼型优化 非定常欧拉方程 伴随方法 aerodynamic shape optimization dynamic airfoil optimization unsteady Euler equation adjoint method
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