

The Infuence and Manipulation of Indicator Definition to Information System Performance Test
摘要 性能指标定义作为性能测试结果和信息系统性能情况的重要评估依据,其准确性和有效性很大程度上影响着性能测试工作的正确开展。文章结合实际工作论述信息系统性能指标定义会出现的问题及解决方法进行论述,以期使读者在实际性能测试过程中一定程度上避免性能指标定义问题的影响。 As the result and the most important assessment basis, the performance indicator definition, it's accuracy and effectiveness will largely influence the progress of perfomence test job. This paper will combine the possible problems and the means to slove this to illustrate. What will make the reader aviod the ploblems of information system performance test in actual performation.
作者 张尔欣
出处 《江苏科技信息》 2015年第4期75-76,共2页 Jiangsu Science and Technology Information
关键词 软件质量 软件测试 性能测试 指标定义 software quality software testing performance testing indicators definition
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