
论新媒介视角下羌族体育文化资源的开发策略 被引量:1

The Development Strategies of the Resources of Qiang Sports Culture Under the Perspective of New Media
摘要 在汶川地震灾后重建过程中,受文化遗产保护工作和旅游业发展的强力影响,羌族体育文化正在接受数字化的"挖掘"和新媒介的"改造";然而,在以新媒介为平台的宣扬、移植和重构过程中,羌族体育的新形态开始脱离羌族文化的本真状态。因此,以"原真性"为基本理念保有羌族体育文化资源的要素、特色和价值,尤为重要;同时,更需要将新媒介融入羌族体育文化的传承活动之中,以彰显羌族体育文化资源独特的教育意义与价值。 In the process of reconstruction after Wenchuan earthquake, the traditional physical educa- tion of Qiang ethnic minority is experiencing the digitized "exploit" and informationizcd "reform" un- der the powerful influence of protection of cultural heritage and development of tourism. However, during the process of propaganda, transplantation and reconstruction based on the platform of new media, the new forms of Qiang sports culture has begun to separate itself from the original state of Qiang Culture. Therefore, it is of vital importance to protect the resources of Qiang maintain its elements, characteristics and values as the concept of "authenticity". In is more essential to integrate the new media into the events of heritage of Qiang sports highlight the unique educational significance of the traditional physical education of nonty. sports culture by the meantime, it culture, so as to Qiang ethnic minority.
出处 《原生态民族文化学刊》 2015年第1期147-151,共5页 Journal of Ethnic Culture
基金 2012年重庆市研究生教育教学改革研究项目"人文社科学术成果的教学转化机制研究"(项目编号:yjg123053)阶段性成果
关键词 新媒介 羌族体育文化 资源开发 new media Qiang sports culture resource development
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