
新媒体联盟2015地平线报告高等教育版 被引量:214

NMC Horizon Report: 2015 Higher Education Edition
摘要 美国新媒体联盟《地平线报告》已经连续发布13年,堪称全球历时最长的探索新技术发展趋势和教育应用的报告。《2015地平线报告高等教育版》由新媒体联盟和美国高校教育信息化协会合作完成,旨在考察新兴技术对高等教育教与学及创造性探究所产生的潜在影响。报告放眼2016-2020年,沿用以往讨论趋势和挑战的三元维度展开,即政策,领导力和实践,确定了18项未来五年极有可能影响高等教育变革的关键趋势、重大挑战和重要的技术进展。关键趋势中,长期趋势包括:创设灵活且富于创新的学习环境,以及增进高等教育机构之间的合作;中期趋势包括:量化学习和开放教育资源的激增;短期趋势包括:混合学习的应用和学习空间的重构。就制约高等教育领域技术应用的挑战而言,正式与非正式学习的融合、数字素养的提升被认为是可解决的挑战,个性化学习与复杂性思维教学的实现是艰难的挑战,而教育模式的竞争以及教学激励机制的变革则是棘手的挑战。未来1-5年内,自带设备、翻转课堂、创客空间、可穿戴技术、自适应学习技术以及物联网技术将对高等教育产生重要影响。《2015地平线报告高等教育版》中文版,由广州广播电视大学龚志武博士团队编译,华南师范大学焦建利博士审校。其发布目的是及时了解国际范围内高等教育机构未来五年的前景如何、哪些技术和发展趋势将推动教育变革,以及将面对哪些艰难的挑战等问题,希望引起国内专家的关注和研究,以促进我国高等教育变革和教育信息化发展。 With more than 13 years of research and publications, the NMC Horizon Report can be regarded as the worldJs longest-running exploration of emerging technology trends and uptake in education. The NMC Horizon Report: 2015 Higher Education Edition, produced by a body of 56 experts in partnership with the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI), charts the five-year horizon for the impact of emerging technologies in learning communities across the globe. There are 18 topics carefully selected by the 2015 Horizon Project Higher Education Expert Panel related to the educational applications of technology. The NMC Horizon Project model derived three meta-dimensions that were used to focus the discussions of each trend and challenge: policy, leadership, and practice which are very likely to impact technology planning and decision-making over the next five years (2016-2020). The Six key trends accelerating technology adoption in higher education are: Advancing Cultures of Change and Innovation, Increasing Cross-Institution Collaboration as long-term Trends; Growing Focus on Measuring Learning, Proliferation of Open Educational Resources as Mid-Term Trends; Increasing Use of BlendedLearning, Redesigning Learning Spaces as Short-Term Trends. The six significant challenges impeding technology adoption in higher education are: Blending Formal and Informal Learning, Improving Digital Literacy as solvable challenges; Personalizing Learning, Teaching Complex Thinking as difficult challenges; Competing Models of Education, Rewarding Teaching as wicked challenges. The six important developments in educational technology for Higher Education are: Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), Flipped Classroom in one year or less; Makerspaces, Wearable Technology in two to three years; Adaptive Learning Technologies, the Internet of Things in four to five years. The Chinese version of NMC Horizon Report: 2015 Higher Education Edition is translated and compiled by Dr. Gong ZhiwuJs innovation team from Guangzhou Open University, and proofread by Dr. Jiao Jianli from South China Normal University.
出处 《现代远程教育研究》 CSSCI 2015年第2期3-22,42,共21页 Modern Distance Education Research
基金 广州市属高校"羊城学者"科研项目"开放教育资源内容聚合与共享机制架构研究" 广州市远程教育技术创新团队 广州市教育科学规划课题"教育E时代数字校园信息化应用系统综合研究"(08A063)
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