
发酵鸭肉香肠的发酵工艺优化及抗氧化性 被引量:11

Fermentation process optimizing and oxidation resistance of fermented duck sausage
摘要 采用干酪乳杆菌和木糖葡萄球菌作为发酵剂对发酵鸭肉香肠的发酵工艺条件进行优化。通过单因素和正交实验设计,并结合香肠的硬度、弹性、内聚性、粘性和咀嚼性等质构指标分析,确定最佳发酵工艺为:β-环状糊精0.8%,发酵温度25℃,大豆粉添加量2%。在此条件下,发酵鸭肉香肠的感官评分为88.00分,POV值为(0.0969±0.0075)g/100g,TBA值为(0.1073±0.0053)mg/1000g,总抗氧能力测定中,FRAP值为(0.2621±0.0017)mmol/L,DPPH自由基清除率为97.16%±0.15%,香肠的抗氧化效果好。 In this study, Lactobacillus and Staphylococcus xylosus were used as starter cultures to optimize fermentation process conditions of fermented duck sausage,by a single factor and orthogonal tests combining the hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess, chewiness of sausage to determine the optimum fermentation process. The results showed that : The best quantity of β- cricoid dextrin was 0. 8 %, best fermentation temperature was 25 ℃, best quantity of soybean meal was 2 %. In this condition, the sensory evaluation of the product was 88.00 point,POV value was(0.0969 ±0.0075)g/100 g,TBA value was(0.1073 ±0.0053)mg/1000 g,FRAP value was(0.2621 ±0.0017)mmol/L. The DPPH radical scavenging rate of the sausage was 97.16%±0.15%. The antioxidant effect of sausage was good.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期178-182,共5页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
基金 国家农业科技成果转化资金项目(2013GB2C200191) 国家水禽体系基金(CARS-43-17) 浙江省重大科技专项(2012C12016-1)
关键词 乳酸菌 鸭肉发酵香肠 质构分析 抗氧化活性 lactic acid bacteria fermented duck sausage texture analysis antioxidant activity
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