
梅兰芳访美演出的传播策略 被引量:4

The Communication Strategies in Mei Lanfang's Touring Performances in America
摘要 梅兰芳,这位20世纪京剧海外传播的先行者,于1930年在美国取得巨大成功。他的表演是一种艺术,他的传播是一种科学。八十年后当我们回望那段历史时发现,他带给我们许多重要启示:对民族传统文化要有深刻的理解;对外交流要用恰当的方式;翻译应注意文化阐释;演出要遵守国际市场规则……梅兰芳及其团队的伟大为我们探索中华文化的海外传播路径提供了有益的历史经验。 Mei Lanfang, the pioneer of the overseas spread of Peking Opera in the 20th century, made great achievements in the United States in 1930. His performance was a kind of art, and his overseas communication of this art was a kind of science. We look in retrospect after eighty years and find that he brought us inspirations in many important ways: we need to have a deep understanding of our traditional culture, to do international communication appropriately, to translate with insight the cultural implications, to observe the regulations of the international performing arts market, etc. The great achievements of Mei Lanfang and his team are valuable historical experience that helps us explore the overseas spread of Chinese culture.
作者 梁燕
出处 《戏剧艺术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期73-80,共8页 Theatre Arts
关键词 梅兰芳 访美演出 传播策略 Mei Lanfang touring performances in America communication strategy
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  • 1齐如山.梅兰芳游美记[A].梁燕主编.齐如山文集·第二卷[C].石家庄:河北教育出版社,2010.
  • 2齐如山.中国剧之组织[A].梁燕主编.齐如山文集·第一卷[C].石家庄:河北教育出版社,2010.




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