目的 探讨淋巴瘤在眼部分布特点及MRL/CT特征,提高该病影像诊断能力.方法 回顾性分析2007年6月至2012年9月来北京同仁医院以眼部症状就诊,经穿刺活检或手术经病理证实为眼部淋巴瘤、有完整的MRI/CT影像资料的73例患者,男47例、女26例.结果 淋巴瘤位于双眼24例,右眼23例,左眼26例(合计97侧),常见于中老年男性患者,中位年龄(60±12)岁.病理上以B细胞淋巴瘤多见,其中黏膜相关淋巴瘤59例,弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤7例;T细胞和其他类型比较少见,淋巴母细胞淋巴瘤3例,淋巴浆细胞淋巴瘤2例,滤泡性淋巴瘤和NKT淋巴瘤各1例.病变边缘清晰64侧,欠清晰17侧,模糊16侧.29侧病变表现为局限性肿块,分别位于结膜16.5%(16/97)、泪腺5.2% (5/97)、眼睑3.1% (3/97)、眼肌2.1% (2/97)和泪囊3.1% (3/97);68侧表现为弥漫性病变,分别累及眶隔前区39.2%(38/97)、肌锥外区71.1%(69/97)、肌锥内区55.7% (54/97)、眼球区46.4% (45/97)、骨膜下区14.4% (14/97)、肌锥区75.3%(73/97)、泪腺区39.2%(38/97)和视神经鞘区34.0%(33/97).MRI(70例/94侧)显示T1WI呈等信号88/94侧,低信号6/94侧;T2WI呈等信号52/94侧,稍高信号40/94侧,混杂信号2/94侧.信号均匀67/94侧,不均匀27/94侧.增强扫描轻度强化27/94侧,中度强化67/94侧;强化均匀52/94侧,不均匀42/94侧.CT(21例/24侧)扫描显示18/24侧表现为等密度,6/24侧表现为稍高密度.均匀7/24侧,不均匀17/24侧.邻近骨质无变化16/24侧,受压变形6/24侧,骨质破坏2/24侧.病变常可累及周围结构,如眶尖(27/97侧,27.8%)、眶下裂(14/97侧,14.4%)、翼腭窝(10/97侧,10.3%)、眶上神经(8/97侧,8.2%)、海绵窦(8/97侧,8.2%)和面部软组织(6/97侧,6.2%)等.结论 眼部淋巴瘤主要发生于中老年男性患者,表现为多结构、多部位受累,MRI呈等/稍长T1和T2信号,增强扫描轻中度均匀/不均匀强化,周围骨质无明显变化.
Objective To explore the distribution and magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography (MRI/CT) of lymphoma in orbit.Methods Retrospective analyses were conducted for 73 cases with ocular complaints at Beijing Tong'ren Hospital from June 2006 to September 2012.They were confirmed pathologically as lymphoma with complete MRI/CT records.Results Ocular adnexal lymphoma occurred predominantly in adults.There were 47 males and 26 females with a median age of (60 ± 12.0) years.The lesions were bilateral (n =24),right side (n =23) and left side (n =26) respectively.The pathological types included mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma (n =59),diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL,n =7),mantle cell lymphoma (MCL,n =3),lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma (LPL,n =2) and follicular lymphoma and natural killer/T-cell lymphoma (FL and NKT,n =1) respectively.They had well-defined margins in 64 sides,less well-defined margins in 17 sides and ill-defined margins in 16 sides.And 29 sides of lesions presented as a regional mass within conjunctiva in 16/97 sides (16.5%),lacrimal gland in 5/97 sides (5.2%),eyelids in 3/97 sides (3.1%),ocular muscle in 2/97 sides (2.1%) and lacrimal sac in 3/97 sides (3.1%).Moreover,68 sides of lesion were diffusely distributed.The invaded sites included preseptal region in 38/97 sides (39.2%),extraconal compartment in 69/97 sides (71.1%),intraconal compartment in 54/97 sides (55.7%),eyeball region in 45/97 sides (46.4%),subperiosteum in 14/97 sides (14.4%),cone compartment in 73/97 sides (75.3%),lacrimal gland in 38/97 sides (39.2%) and sheath of optic nerve in 33/97 sides (34.0%).And,on MRI scan,70 cases (94 sides) had isointensity in 88/94 sides,hypointensity in 6/94 sides on T1WI and isointensity in 52/94 sides,mild hypointensity in 40/94 sides or mixed signal in 2/94 sides on T2 WI.In addition,the signals were homogeneous in 67/94 sides and heterogeneous in 27/94 sides.After contrasting,these lesions showed mild contrast-enhancement (CE) in 27/94 sides,moderate CE in 67/94 sides with homogeneous CE in 52/94 sides and heterogeneous CE in 42/94 sides.On CT scan,21 cases (24 sides) had isodensity in 18/24 sides and mild hyperdensity in 6/24 sides with homogeneous in 7/24 sides and heterogeneous in 17/24 sides.Moreover,most adjacent bone show no change (16/24 sides).Only 16/24 sides and 2/24 sides showed reformation or destruction respectively.At the same time,the lesions also involved other para-orbit structures,such as orbital apex (27/97 sides,27.8%),fissure orbitalis inferior (14/97 sides,14.4%),fossa pterygopalatina (10/97 sides,10.3%),supraorbital nerve (8/97 sides,8.2%),cavernous sinus (8/97 sides,8.2%) and facial soft tissue (6/97 sides,6.2%),et al.Conclusion Ocular adnexal lymphoma occurs predominantly in male adults.And multiple strictures and sites are often involved.There is iso-/mild hyperintensity with mild-to-moderate homo-/heterogeneous CE and little change of adjacent bone on T1 WI and T2WI.
National Medical Journal of China