

Research on the characteristics and dynamics of acid deposition in Mount Tianmu
摘要 随着工业的快速发展,大气环境的污染情况也更加严重。针对中国的大气酸沉降日益加剧的现状,本研究着眼于工业较发达的长江三角洲地区,通过在2012年8月-2013年9月期间采集天目山地区降水样品,并进行相关的数据分析,以探究大气酸沉降的现状和特征,为该地区的生态环境保护提供数据支持。结果表明:天目山地区的降水属于典型的酸性降水,其酸碱度年平均值为p H 4.81,其变化具有明显的季节性特征:夏高冬低;水中的硫酸根/硝酸根(SO42-/NO3-)离子质量浓度的比值范围为4.13~8.89,说明该地区的酸沉降中,硫酸根(SO42-)对酸雨的酸度贡献较大。天目山大气湿沉降的电导率CE值以及铵态氮(NH4+-N),硝态氮(NO3--N)和硫酸根(SO42-)的质量浓度随时间而呈规律性变化,大体表现为:秋季或冬季最高,而夏季最低。研究期间,天目山地区的大气湿沉降的无机氮总量为5.25 kg·hm-2,降水的无机氮月平均质量浓度为1.109 mg·L-1。降水样品的硝态氮(NO3--N)和铵态氮(NH4+-N)质量浓度,硝态氮(NO3--N)和硫酸根(SO42-)质量浓度变化均呈线性相关关系,分别是y=1.392 0x-0.315 5,R2=0.768 0和y=0.180 3x+0.013 8,R2=0.886 6;地面搜集降水样品的硝酸根(NO3-)质量浓度和臭氧监测仪器(OMI)卫星对流层二氧化氮(NO2)的垂直柱浓度也存在密切的相关关系,并且这种相关性呈季节性变化,表现为秋冬季正相关性,而在春夏季则为负相关性。 With the rapid development of industry, pollution of the atmospheric environment becomes much more serious. Due to increasing atmospheric acid deposition in China, this research at the foot of Mount Tian- mu, located in the more developed industrial area of delta of the Yangtze River, was conducted from August 2012 to September 2013 to collect rainfall and analyze its pH, CE, NH,+-N, NO3--N, and SO,2- concentrations, to explore the present status and characteristics of atmospheric acid, provide data support for the protection of the ecological environment of Mount Tianmu area. Results implied that the rainfall in Tianmu district belongs to the typical acidic precipitation, the annual average of rainwater pH was 4.81, and pH of rainwater shows sea- sonal variation: high in summer and low in winter. The range of SO^-/NO3- ions ratio in samples was 4.13-8.89, which indicating that SO2- contributes greater to the acidity of acid rain in the region. CE values, NH,+-N, NO3-- N and SO42- concentration of the rainwater change regularly over time in study area, generally expressed as: their concentrations are higher in autumn or winter and lower in summer. During the study period, the amount of total inorganic nitrogen of atmospheric wet deposition in Tianmu area was 5.25 kg·hm-2- a-l, the average con- centration of inorganic nitrogen monthly precipitation was 1.109 mg·L-1. NO3-N and NH4+-N concentration in rainfall samples showed a linear relationship, as well as the concentration between NO3--N and SO42-. And their correlation equations are y=1.392 0x-0.315 5, RE = 0.768 and y = 0.180 3x + 0.013 8, RE = 0.886 6; There is a close relationship between NO3- concentration of rainfall samples and OMI satellite troposphere concentration of NO2 vertical column. And the correlation varies in different seasons, generally expressed as: the correlation was positive in autumn and winter, while becoming negative in spring and summer. [Ch, 4 fig. 1 tab. 19 ref.]
出处 《浙江农林大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期188-194,共7页 Journal of Zhejiang A&F University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(41171324) 中科院-挪威研究理事会合作项目(RCN.proj.no.209696/E10 中科院GBHZ1205)
关键词 森林生态学 环境化学 大气酸沉降 动态 天目山 forest ecology environmental chemistry acid deposition dynamics Mount Tianmu
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