摘要下颌阻生第三磨牙(impacted mandibular third molar,IMTM)拔除术是口腔科门诊的常见手术。由于IMTM变异性大、存在多种阻生情况、局部解剖结构复杂,手术操作视野局限等原因,拔除IMTM也是拔牙手术中难度最大的手术。拔除IMTM时可发生多种并发症或继发症[1,2]。由于舌侧骨壁较薄弱,拔除IMTM(特别是低位、
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3Friedrich RE, Ulbricht C,von Maydell LA. Identification of developmental stages of wisdom teeth on orthopantomo- grams of adolescents and young adults as an aid for foren- sic-odontological age-estimations:Predictive values for the chronological age of 18 years[J]. Arch Kriminol,2005,216 (3-4) : 73-88.