
2013年初春一次平流雾过程对江苏交通的影响分析 被引量:31

Influence Analysis of an Advection Fog Process on Jiangsu Transport in the Early Spring of the Year 2013
摘要 2013年3月18—19日江苏省一次平流雾天气具有突发性强、影响范围广、强度大、持续时间长等特点。利用江苏省高速公路自动气象监测站(AWM)数据、FNL数据和常规气象资料,对其成因进行分析,并评价其对交通及预报服务质量的影响。结果表明:高中低层的暖平流和入海变性冷高压为平流雾发生发展提供了有利的环流形势;持续变化较小的气压梯度、相对湿度的陡增、地面弱冷空气产生的温差和在偏东风风速达6 m·s-1时,平流雾即可快速生成;较低的混合层高度和逆温存在是低能见度形成的必要条件,能见度越低时混合层高度也就越低;近地层的冷平流和中高层的暖平流形成平流逆温,同时配合近地面的弱上升运动,有利于雾的形成和维持。根据江苏省交通气象台关于雾的预报服务发布流程规范和预报质量评价,本次雾过程中对高速公路、高架桥和长江航道的预报服务准确、及时,服务质量良好,有效地避免了交通事故的发生。 The advection fog occurred in Jiangsu during 18-19 March 2013 owned the characteris- tics of being more sudden ,more wider, high-strength and more prolong. The formation cause of this fog was analyzed through the data from auto-meteorological monitoring workstations (AMW) of Jiangsu expressway based on the FNL data and conventional meteorological data. And the influence of this fog on the transport and forecast quality was also evaluated. The results indicated that, the circulation feature, which was beneficial for the formation and development of this advection fog, was provided by high, medium and low-level warm advection and denatured cold high from estuary. The advection fog could form quickly under the conditions of continuous and small changes in pressure gradient, sudden increase in relative humidity, temperature difference caused by the weak cold air from the ground and easterly wind speed reaching 6 m·s^-1 The low mixed layer height and temperature inversion are the necessary condition for low visibility. Lower visibility led to the lower mixed layer height. Advection inversion was caused by the cold advection from the surface layer and the warm advection from the medium-to-high level. At the same time, the weak ascending motion close to the ground is beneficial for the formation and maintain of the fog. According to the process specification and quality evaluation of the forecast for the fog, which was established by Jiangsu Traffic Observatory, the forecast for expressway, viaduct the Yangtze river transportation in this fog event is accurate and timely, the quality of the service is good, avoid the traffic accident .
出处 《气象与环境科学》 2015年第1期46-53,共8页 Meteorological and Environmental Sciences
基金 公益性行业(气象)科研专项(GYHY201306043) 江苏省气象局预报员专项(JSYBY201305)资助
关键词 平流雾 高速公路 气象条件 混合层高度 advection fog expressway meteorological condition mixed layer height
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