
乙二醇对固结磨料研磨蓝宝石晶圆的影响 被引量:5

Effect of Ethylene Glycol on Lapping of Sapphire Wafer by Using Fixed Abrasive Pad
摘要 研磨液中的化学添加剂对于蓝宝石晶圆的高效超光滑表面加工至关重要.文中开展了固结磨料研磨蓝宝石晶圆的实验研究,探索了不同乙二醇含量的研磨液对材料去除速率和表面形貌的影响规律,采用微/纳米压痕技术和光电子能谱剖析了工件表层的物理化学性能.结果表明:当研磨液中含有5%的乙二醇时,工件表面变质层深度约为3.90 nm,远优于去离子水研磨液的工件变质层深度(1.04 nm);乙二醇含量的提高促进了表面变质层的生成,有利于蓝宝石工件研磨效率的提高和表面质量的改善. The chemical additives in lapping slurry play a vital role in the efficient ultra-smooth machining of sapphire wafer. In the investigation,the lapping experiment of sapphire wafer was performed by using a fixed abrasive pad,and the effects of the ethylene glycol concentration in lapping slurry on the material removal rate( MRR) and surface morphology of sapphire wafer were discussed. Then,the micro / nano-indentation technique and the photoelectron spectroscopy( XPS) were employed to analyze the physical and chemical properties of lapped wafer surface.The results indicate that( 1) when the lapping slurry contains 5% ethylene glycol,the depth of surface-modified layer on the lapped wafer surface is about 3. 90 nm,and is superior to that in the deionized water,which is 1. 04nm; and( 2) higher ethylene glycol content can promote the surface-modified layer to form,which helps to improve the lapping efficiency and enhance the surface quality.
出处 《华南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期25-30,39,共7页 Journal of South China University of Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51175260 51375237) 南京航空航天大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(NP2012516)
关键词 固结磨料 乙二醇 蓝宝石 表面变质层 材料去除速率 fixed abrasive ethylene glycol sapphire surface-modified layer material removal rate
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