Any scientific system is,structura11y speaking,a rigorous who1e of theory deduced from its starting point,and the interna1 contradiction contained in the Point pushes forward the who1e system. As a scientific system,socia1ist theory with Chinese characteristics is,too,pushed forward by this contradic-tion. Its 1ogic starting point is the major contradiction in the primary stage of socia1ism with Chinese char-acteristics,running through from the beginning to the end. The contradiction between the peop1e’s grow-ing materia1 and cu1tura1 needs and the backward socia1 production pushes forward the socia1 practice of reform and opening of present-day China,it is therefore the motive power for deve1opment of contempo-rary society. Meanwhi1e,the inherent tension and confrontation of the contradiction,again,prescribe the nature and assignment of the theoretica1 system of socia1ism with Chinese characteristics,1ogica11y dedu-cing this who1e theoretica1 system. However,this major contradiction of society does not stay the same,but bears different stage features in different stages of historica1 deve1opment. These features in different stages of historica1 deve1opment of this major contradiction of the primary stage determines the features in different stages of historica1 deve1opment of the starting point of the theoretica1 system with Chinese characteristics with a certain app1icab1e domain. Since the 21 st century,new contradictions have gradua11y appeared a1ong with the basic so1ution of the major contradiction at the primary stage of China’s socia1- ism,and this wi11 certain1y give birth to a historica1 opportunity for the innovation and deve1opment of Marxism in contemporary China.
Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
theoretica1 system of socia1ism with Chinese characteristics
the 1ogica1 starting point
Chi-nese Marxism