In the age of new economy, entrepreneurial network has been proven to be reasonable and comparably better than that of traditional ones. External effect and robust have been extensively discussed on improving the overall quality of the national economy, enhancing international competitiveness and the capability to withstand risks. However, to date, there has been relatively little research conducted on the for mation process of entrepreneurial network, which could provide theoretic guidance in establishing effective sustainable entrepreneurial network environment. Based on this, we reveal the underlying causes of the entrepreneurial network evolution, and further to discover relationship between network competence and entrepreneurial performance. Transmission mechanism of the entrepreneurial network has been explored to answer the problem of "How". Therefore, there are many blanks between individualistic methodology and structuralized methodology. For this purpose, theoretical model was constructed among network competence, network structure, and entrepreneurial performance. Through the positivism analysis, empirical research using the questionnaire data from Chinese incubated startup companies. Furthermore, research on the mechanism about supporting environment of venturing. To be specific, Network competence as skill or capability that accesses resources by construction relationships will impact the entrepreneurial performance, while the existing literature have neither sorted out the elements of network competence, nor analyzed affects of the mechanism between network competence and entrepreneurial performance. This article constructed the theory model among network competence, network structure, and entrepreneurial performance. Empirical data from incubated enterprise questionnaires have been tested. Firstly, the network competence has been divided into network quality, network programming and network operation. The empirical research validate the structural model indicates that network competence as a whole has a positive effect on entrepreneurial performance, but not in terms of network structures, The research demonstrated that only the centrality degree, Structural hole and Network heterogeneity have a positive effect on entrepreneurial performance except for Network kernel. Network str ucture has the mediating effect between network competence and entrepreneurial performance. Meanwhile, the centrality degree, structural hole and network heterogeneity have positive mediating effect except the network kernel. The study's conclusions have the value of constructing networked incubation industry in China and management practices for start-up external network construction.
Nankai Business Review
Network Competence
Network Structure
Entrepreneurial Performance
Mediating Effect