【目的】明确玉米蚜(Rhopalosiphum maidis)在8个玉米品种(系)上的取食行为,筛选出合适的刺吸电位(EPG)参数作为对不同玉米品种(系)进行抗蚜性分类的指标,为抗性玉米材料的筛选提供借鉴。【方法】利用直流型刺吸电位仪(DC-EPG Giga-4)记录玉米蚜在8个玉米品种(系)上的取食行为并进行比较分析,8个品种(系)分别为浚单20、郑单958、良玉88、先玉335、濮改340-1-1、旱21、87-1和齐319;以不同EPG参数为指标,对供试玉米品种(系)的抗蚜性进行分类,并与田间抗蚜性鉴定结果进行比较,之后选择合适的EPG参数,建议其可作为利用EPG技术筛选抗蚜性玉米材料的指标。【结果】玉米蚜在玉米上的EPG波形主要有Np、C、Pd、E1、E2和F波,其中Np、F、E1和E2波与玉米品种(系)的抗蚜性有关。到达韧皮部前:玉米蚜在抗性材料浚单20上的第1次刺探持续时间明显长于感性材料齐319,可能在浚单20叶片表皮上存有阻碍玉米蚜取食的因子;此外,玉米蚜在抗性材料浚单20、郑单958和良玉88上取食时,其F波总时间及平均持续时间显著长于或长于其他玉米品种(系),说明玉米蚜取食这3个玉米品种时,其口针遇到的机械阻力较大。到达韧皮部后:玉米蚜在抗性材料浚单20和郑单958这两个玉米品种上的第1次E1波出现时间晚,持续时间长,表明这两个品种在韧皮部层次上对玉米蚜的抗性水平较其他玉米品种(系)高;玉米蚜在感性材料齐319和旱21上的E2波总时间及持续吸食时间相对较高,显著大于良玉88,说明玉米蚜喜好取食感性材料齐319和旱21的韧皮部汁液。此外,以各取食波形平均持续时间为指标对各玉米品种(系)进行聚类分析,可把供试玉米品种(系)划分为3类,其抗性强弱为:第Ⅰ类(浚单20、郑单958和良玉88)>第Ⅲ类(濮改340-1-1、旱21和87-1)>第Ⅱ类(先玉335和齐319)。【结论】玉米蚜在不同玉米品种(系)上的取食行为有一定差异,高抗玉米品种浚单20和郑单958在叶片表面和韧皮部层次上对玉米蚜存有一定的抗性。以E和Np波平均持续时间为指标,对各玉米品种(系)抗蚜性进行排序,其结果与笔者课题组前期田间调查结果基本一致。因此,在利用EPG技术筛选抗蚜性玉米材料时,建议以E和Np波作为评价抗性强弱的指标。
[Objective]The objective of this study is to clarify the probing and feeding behaviors of maize aphid (Rhopalosiphum maidis) on eight maize hybrids (inbreds), and then select some proper electrical penetration graph (EPG) parameters as the indicators to classify the resistant levels of different maize hybrids (inbreds). Finally, the research will provide suggestion for the classification of maize’s resistant levels. [Method] The feeding behaviors of R. maidis on Xundan 20, Zhengdan 958, Liangyu 88, Xianyu 335,Han 21, 87-1, Pugai 340-1-1 and Qi 319 were observed, respectively, by using EPG technique and then compared and analyzed. The resistant levels of 8 maize hybrids (inbreds) were classified by using various EPG parameters, and the results were compared with the consequence which obtained in the maize field previously. Then the suitable EPG parameters were suggested to be used as parameters for screening the resistant maize hybrids (inbreds). [Result] The main EPG waveforms of R. maidis on maize hybrids (inbreds) were Np, C, Pd, E1, E2 and F, and the waveforms Np, E1, E2 and F were related with the maize’s resistant level. Before reaching the phloem, the total time and mean time of waveforms Np and F of R. maidis probing on Xundan 20, Zhengdan 958 and Liangyu 88 were significantly longer than those on other maize hybrids (inbreds). After reaching the phloem, the durable time of waveform E1 of R. maidis on Xundan 20 and Zhengdan 958 were longer, although the stylets of the aphids reached the phloem later. Meanwhile, the total time and durable time of E2 on Qi 319 and Han 21 were much longer when compared with other maize hybrids (inbreds), and they were significantly higher than Liangyu 88. The experimental 8 maize hybrids (inbreds) were categorized into three groups by cluster analysis according to the mean durable time of waveform Np, C, Pd, F and E, and the resistant levels were 1st classification (Xundan 20, Zhengdan 958 and Liangyu 88)〉3rd classification (Pugai 340-1-1, Han 21 and 87-1)〉2nd classification (Xianyu 335 and Qi 319). [Conclusion] The probing and feeding behaviors of R. maidis on 8 maize hybrids (inbreds) were different. There are some resistant factors in the leaf surface and phloem of these two high resistant maize hybrids Xundan 20 and Zhengdan 958. The resistant levels of all experimental maize hybrids (inbreds) obtained according to the mean durable time of waveform E and Np were approximately consistent with the resistant results of different maize hybrids (inbreds) to the maize leaf aphid obtained by the author’s laboratory in the maize field previously.
Scientia Agricultura Sinica