
我国职业体育劳资纠纷的法律规制研究 被引量:8

Research on Legal Regulation of the China's Professional Sports Labor Disputes
摘要 20年来,我国竞技体育职业化发展虽然成绩斐然,但远未成熟。职业体育劳资矛盾自身的特殊性、举国体制战略与市场化运营模式的非适应性以及相关法理研究和法律规制不足等多方面原因,导致我国职业体育劳资纠纷频发且救济乏力。针对我国职业体育劳资双方实力悬殊的现状,必须依法明确体育产业市场主体间的法律关系,禁止体育主管部门介入体育劳资双方的博弈;通过加强专项立法、建立体育强制保险制度、重构职业运动员协会体系以及创设ADR衔接机制等多种途径,从预防与救济两个方面保障职业运动员的合法权益,促进我国体育职业劳资纠纷的依法合理规制。 The professional sports of our country are impressive but immature though it has developed for 20 years. The factors, such as the particularities of professional sports labor disputes, the non-adaptibility of the government-funded programs strategy and market operation mode, the shortage of both the legal research and regulation and so on, have led to China's frequent professional sports labor disputes, which are quite difficult to remedy. In view of the disparity situation of professional sports labor strength in present China, the legal relationship between the participants of sports industry market must be defined according to law, so that the interference over game of both sides of laborer and capital by the department in charge of sports must be prohibited by means of prevention and remedy. Only by strengthening the special legislation, establishing the system of compulsory insurance of sports, reconstructing professional players association system and creating a variety of ADR link mechanism approach can we safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of professional athletes, and promote the legitimate regulation of China's professional sports labor disputes.
作者 陆在春 高升
出处 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期57-64,共8页 Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金项目"ADR机制在解决体育纠纷中的应用及其完善研究"(11BTY030)阶段性成果 安徽省教育厅人文社科项目"非诉机制在竞技体育纠纷中的立法研究"(SK20138208)阶段性成果
关键词 职业体育 劳资纠纷 法律规制 救济 professional sports labor disputes legal regulation remedies
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