
面向创客教育的众创空间与生态建构 被引量:185

Building the Crowd-Creation Space and Ecosystem for Maker Education
摘要 该文结合创客实践和创客教育的特点,探讨众创空间生态的理念与模式,为创意、创新、创业教育提供支持。在创业教育的大背景下,创客实践在高校已成为教育变革的重要力量。基于创客模式的实践教育,从参与模式、学习内容、师生互动以及学习环境等各个层面为大学创新人才培养提供了新的思路。众创空间作为承载创客实践的平台,其核心要素包括合作社群、创意实践、开放资源和协作空间——合作社群是参与式创新的基础,创意实践则包含从课程、工作坊到各类交流与比赛,开放资源包括开源设备、工具和方法,协作空间以灵活多变的空间支持参与式的创新。四个核心要素相互支撑,形成了有机的生态系统。 In this article, the author discusses the ecological concept and model of crowd-creation space combining with maker practice and maker education, in order to provide support for creative, innovative and entrepreneurship education.In the broader context of entrepreneurship education, maker practice has become a great power for the revolution in higher education. Practical education based on maker model provides universities new ideas in cultivating creative talents from the perspectives of participation pattern, learning content, teacher-student interaction, and learning environment. As a platform of maker practices, the core elements of crowd-creation space include cooperative community, creative practice, open resource and co-working space.
作者 付志勇
出处 《现代教育技术》 CSSCI 2015年第5期18-26,共9页 Modern Educational Technology
关键词 创客 教育 空间 社群 生态 maker education pace community ecosystem
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