
辣木外植体消毒试验研究 被引量:6

Research on Explants Disinfection Test of Moringa oleifera Lam.
摘要 [目的]探讨辣木茎段的最佳消毒方法。[方法]以辣木茎段为外植体,用不同消毒剂(升汞、次氯酸钠),选用不同浓度,在不同消毒时间下对辣木茎段进行消毒处理。[结果]次氯酸钠最佳消毒组合为浓度15 g/L消毒20 min,污染率为26%,成活率为34%。升汞最佳消毒组合为0.20 g/L消毒液消毒5 min,污染率为2%,成活率达84%。[结论]辣木茎段最佳消毒方法为:在75%酒精中浸泡30s后,用0.20 g/L升汞处理5 min,污染率为2%,成活率达84%。 [ Objective ] The aim was to explore the best method of Moringa pleifera Lain. stem disinfection. [ Method ] With M. oleifera Lain. stem as explant, the effects of different concentration of mercuric chloride avid sodium hypochlorite with different sterilization time were stud- ied. [Result] The best combination for NaCIO was 15 g/L with 20 rain disinfection, contamination rate was 26%, and survival rate was 40%. The best combination for HgCI: was 0.20 g/L with 5 min disinfection, contamination rate was 2%, survival rate could reach 84%. [ Conclusion] The best method of M. oleifera Lain. stem disinfection was that 75% alcohol immersion 30 s, after treated with 0.2 g/L mercuric chloride 5 min, contamination rate was only 2%, the survival rate could reach 84%.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2015年第17期232-234,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 德宏州科技创新项目(2014-21) 德宏州生物产业办项目
关键词 辣木 外植体 消毒 Moringa oleifera Lam. Explants Disinfection
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