DLP大屏在广电行业演播室中成为主流设备,以山东大众网新建的96 m2演播室为背景,分析并探讨了DLP大屏系统建设中遇到的问题。从系统设计、DLP大屏选型、控制系统选择、大屏的舞美场景设计、系统实施与运维等方面做了相关介绍,对业内同行建设DLP大屏系统有一定借鉴作用。
Large screen of DLP become the main equipment in the studio for radio and TV. With the new 96 square meter studio of DZWWW as the background, the problems encountered in the construction of DLP large screen system are analyzed and discussed. Some opinions are introduced, such as the design of system, the selection for DLP large screen and the controlling system, the screen choreography scene design, implementation and maintenance, eet. This paper has some reference value for other peers to build the DLP large screen system.
Video Engineering