
大数据中的管理问题:基于大数据的资源观 被引量:189

Management issues in Big Data: The resource-based view of Big Data
摘要 作为重要的战略资源,大数据中包含诸多关键的管理问题.文章首先评述了基于不同视角对大数据的认识.然后,从管理的视角看大数据,指出大数据是一类重要的战略性信息资源,并从复杂性、决策有用性、高速增长性、价值稀疏性、可重复开采性和功能多样性等6个方面探究了大数据资源的管理特征.最后,提炼并探讨了大数据资源的获取问题、加工问题、应用问题、产权问题、产业问题和法规问题等6个方面的关键管理问题. There are many key issues in the management of Big Data, which is an important strategic re- source. We first review some definitions of Big Data from different perspectives. Then, we point out that Big Data is an important information resource. Then, the management characteristics of Big Data resource are in- vestigated mainly from six aspects, including complexity, decision-support, rapid growth, value scarcity, the characteristic of repeatedly mining and function diversity. Finally, the key management issues of Big Data, in- cluding the acquisition issue, processing issue, application issue, property issue, industry issue and regulatory issue, are refined and briefly analyzed.
出处 《管理科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期1-8,共8页 Journal of Management Sciences in China
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71131002) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(JZ2015HGBZ0093)
关键词 大数据 资源观 管理特征 管理问题 Big Data resource view management characteristics management issues
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