
吸气式高超声速飞行器控制研究综述 被引量:7

Research Progress on Control System of Air-Breathing Hypersonic Flight Vehicles
摘要 吸气式高超声速飞行器控制系统的任务是在飞行包线内通过发动机提供的推力改变飞行速度并利用气动舵面偏转调整飞行姿态,控制飞行器精确跟踪制导指令。通过探讨高超声速飞行器的动力学特性,从系统建模和控制策略研究两个方面对高超声速飞行器的控制系统设计研究现状进行了分析和阐述,所得结论可为相关研究提供借鉴与参考。 The control system function of air-breathing hypersonic flight vehicles is that making the flight vehicles track the command guidance accurately by changing the velocity through engine thrust and regulating flight attitude with deflection of rudder surface in full flight envelop. This paper discusses the dynamic characteristics of flight vehicles,and analyzes the control system development of air-breathing hypersonic flight vehicles with modeling and control law,which can provide a reference for the interrelated study.
出处 《航空兵器》 2015年第3期3-7,12,共6页 Aero Weaponry
基金 航空科学基金资助项目(20120196006)
关键词 高超声速飞行器 动力学建模 飞行控制 air-breathing hypersonic flight vehicles dynamics modeling flight control
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