
网络恐怖主义中的“伊斯兰国” 被引量:7

The Islamic State in Cyber-Terrorism
摘要 从传播的社会政治维度来看,以推特和脸谱为代表的新兴媒体不仅能点燃"阿拉伯之春",而且也能将网络恐怖主义推向新的高度。从某种意义上来说,"伊斯兰国"恐怖组织的兴起正是一次恐怖主义在新媒体背景下的全新生长,代表网络恐怖主义的一种最新趋向。由伊斯兰国恐怖组织所反映的网络恐怖主义最新发展变化,为我国应对网络恐怖主义提供了诸多启示,再一次证明遏制恐怖主义离不开有效的全球治理。 The new media, represented by Twitter and Facebook, can not only trigger the "Arab Spring", but also promote cyber-terrorism to a higher level. To some extent, the rise of the Islamic State, a terrorist organization, can be regarded as a new round of terrorist development in the context of new media, which represents the latest trend of cyber-terrorism. The Islamic State, a terrorist organization which suggests latest changes in cyber-terrorism has provided some inspiration to our country in responding to terrorism and it has further proved that efficient global cooperation in governance is the key to suppressing terrorism.
作者 马国春 曹君
机构地区 北京警察学院
出处 《公安理论与实践(上海公安高等专科学校学报)》 2015年第3期90-96,共7页 Journal of Shanghai Police College
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"微博对社会稳定的影响及其对策的研究"(项目编号为13BFX047)的成果之一
关键词 伊斯兰国 网络恐怖主义 新兴媒体 网络攻击 Islamic State Cyber-terrorism New Media Global Attack
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